Friday, April 27, 2007

Where went April?

Lambs, lambs, everywhere, and every one does bleat! I'm beginnning to hear sheep in my sleep (and believe me, sheep farmers do NOT count ovines to fall asleep).

A month and more passed without me even noticing. That emphasises just how busy things are around here! And this week we did more shearing of Ron's flock.

A highlight of the month: A BIG THANK YOU to my Secret Pal. I received the most wonderful Rowan super bulky yarn and a pattern for a hat to make with it (a one-hour project, just my style!), needles, and a plethora of adorable sheep items: little notepad with pen, magnet, ornament (now hanging on my rear view mirror), farm puffy stickers, cute card, and all wrapped in pretty pink paper with fantastic sheep ribbon!! And the ribbon matched the notepad and magnet! I'm super impressed.

I've been working on various sock projects during the "waiting times" either at doc's offices or during lambing vigils. I even found one finished sock in an old bag that I'd forgotten completely. Now, if only I can find the matching 50 gram ball of yarn for its mate!

I bought new batteries for my Nikon, so I hope I can take a roll of film, have it put onto disc, and then post photos to this blog...knitting, sheep, etc.

I'll be having another minor surgery May 18th: Hope all the lambs have arrived before then! No big deal, but I won't feel like doing chores for a few days, so I'll find someone to feed the sheep...I hope. Maybe they'll be out on pasture by then.

Back out to check on the beasties....

1 comment:

Anniegora said...

Hope all went well with the surgery and that you were able to get some badly needed R&R! Hope your sock yarn turns up. I have all of mine organized in 2 drawers of a long old white dresser from the 50's in my spare bedroom. The room has become my official "Yarn Room". Such knitting peace now that I am somewhat "organized".
I just don't open the door lately because the room is chaos contained!

So glad you liked the goodies!