Sunday, March 11, 2007

The bluebirds are fighting over boxes, owls are noisier than ever at night, and flocks of geese create such a racket overhead that I can't hear myself call the dogs! It's amazingly warm after the bitter cold we had so recently: 50s! The only down side (if it can be called that) is the mud and standing water everywhere, some of it still deceptively hidden under a bit of snow so you hit it and heels slip out from under you.

I finished the little lace socks for Xylia, and have started an adult pair. It's a REALLY simple pattern in the sock-shaped Knit Socks! book. I wanted something mindless that I could do at the shop, where inevitably whatever you're doing is interrupted (when we're lucky!) by customers.

I can't believe it's March 11 already! St. Patrick's Day looms, and I'm starting to worry about shearing the ewes. We take the shearer(s) whenever available, so all we can do is let them know we're ready and then wait for their call. And hope they make it here before the ewes start lambing. If they have full fleeces, it means they aren't encouraged to eat more right when they need it most, the wool brings a lot of moisture into the barn, the lambs have trouble finding the udder, and the ewes are less sensitive to where their lambs are and, although none of mine ever have, sometimes lay on a lamb. Also, if they have a difficult delivery, a touch of mastitis, or anything else, it can adversely affect the wool.

With all the wet weather and mud, a few of the ewes are limping. They need their feet trimmed, which we usually do at shearing time, too. And I'm determined that their "coats" (covers) will go right back on them at shearing time, before they're released.

Friday was Phoenix's third birthday. He called me to thank me for the box I sent to him, and although I only understood about 55% of what he said, it was clear that the John Deer toy and DVD, the hat (a bit big, but better that than too small), and the other little things (stickers, etc.) were a hit.

According to my brother Dave, they've all been sick with a respiratory bug. On the plus side, Xylia is a very easy baby, and Andrea's already back to doing accupuncture treatments to her regular clients and, when they called me, she was baking cookies. Wonder woman!

I'm putting together a "Xylia" box, with a fleece/satin blanket (sheep pattern, of course), a little pair of overalls (I gave a set to "farmer Phoenix" and have to be non-sexist, of course) that have a little lamb in the front pocket, lamb socks, a lamb bib, and a lamb top that matches the overalls.

I haven't been very good company lately, probably because I'm worried about the health problems that will be further investigated on the 19th. Fingers are crossed that it's something easily fixed. Once you've battled the big C, it seems like you're always looking over your shoulder, even more than ten years later!

I'm working on getting a digital camera, just a simple one. I'd like to document my knitting and spinning projects, rovings, etc. so this blog is less of a diary and more of a fiber page!

I downloaded some Old Shale (Feather and Fan) sock patterns and might start on a pair of those. Then again, I should start thinking about something for the men in the family...maybe cables? Suggestions for a simple cable sock?

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